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Our Church History


In March of 1996, God revealed to Pastor Darin that his assignment was to minister to the broken-hearted and the down trodden. This was confirmed through a prophetic word that proclaimed, "this ministry would be looked upon as a hospital filled with recovery rooms”.

While continuing to seek the Lord, In May of 1998, God placed the vision of Greater Works in the heart of our Pastor. This vision would be based upon John 14:12 which declares "…he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father."

Pastor Darin continued to serve faithfully as a Worship Leader and Associate Pastor in the ministry where the Lord had placed him for the next 8 years. 


In January of 2006 during a 21-day fast the Lord spoke to our Pastor and said, "I have given you a release"… Pastor Darin knew in his heart that God had released him to move forward with the vision of Greater Works. 

In April of 2006, Pastor Darin received the blessing from his former ministry and he moved forward to begin his new assignment of pioneering Greater Works Ministries Church. From its humble beginnings, Greater Works experienced the blessings and favor of God. 

In May of 2006, Greater Works began in the home of our Pastor with nine other people in attendance. This was a long awaited realization of a God-given vision for a church that would "Gather up the fragments" (John 6:12) ministering salvation, healing and restoration to the lives of people, enabling them to experience the abundant life in Jesus Christ.

The Lord blessed GWMC to locate a building and the first service was held on Sunday, June 4, 2006 with 32 people in attendance. This followed by an official installation service in August of 2006 where Pastor Darin was officially installed as the Senior Pastor of GWMC.


In June 2013, Darin married his lovely wife Gloria and during the summer of 2015, The Lord revealed his calling to be an Apostle and her calling to be a Prophetess. This followed by an official Apostolic affirmation service where Pastor Darin was affirmed as an Apostle and his wife Gloria was affirmed as a Prophetess. Most recently, the name of the church changed from Greater Works to Empowerment Church and the vision and mission of the church was revamped. 



Empowerment Church is a vibrant church with their focus on helping to build the ministry of Jesus Christ. For the past nearly 18 years, souls are being saved and lives are being healed through the power of the Lord Jesus Christ. Empowerment Church is an inter-cultural church with an emphasis on ministering to people from all walks of life. Apostle Darin and his wife Lady Gloria have six children and they stand strong in their faith, as they believe that every promise the Lord has given to Empowerment Church shall be fulfilled.

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